Neighborliness is the Spice of Life

3:13 PM

Spring is fire bowl season. In preparation for this joyous season, I needed to split a bunch of firewood. So last week I sent out a call for help to some friends who live nearby. They came over with their splitting mauls, and we got the job done in no time. Then like locusts we swarmed to another friend’s house to help him weed his garden, because it's garden season too. We exchanged our axes for shovels, and again we got the job done in no time.

That’s what neighborliness means to me. Helping each other out and enjoying life together. Spare Key exemplifies neighborliness. Wherever we live---whether next door, or a few blocks away, or a few miles away---we feel like a neighborhood because we are intentionally present in each others’ lives.

In the spice-drawer of life, good neighbors are the grains of paradise. (Yes, grains of paradise is a real thing. It's also called alligator pepper, but that doesn't have the same ring to it.) Neighborliness is a big part of my and Amber’s quality of life, and we don't take it for granted. We want all of our friends, family, and community members to know how much you mean to us! Thanks for being neighbors!

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