What Makes a Good Porch?

3:19 PM

     What makes a good porch? 

Question: what are the characteristics for your dream-porch? 

The book Pocket Neighborhoods is full of fascinating little asides.  Page 24 includes a thought-provoking list of six rules-of-thumb for designing a good porch.

Porches are important because they provide a transition place between inside and outside. They also provide a transition between public and private space. 

I've never really thought about the defining characteristics of a good porch. Non-architects like me simply know em' when we see em', but architects like Chapin know, for instance, that a good porch railing is "about 27 in. to 30 in. high--just the right balance of open and closed." (p. 27)

"Making a good porch is both an art and a science." -Chapin

Here are Chapin's six rules-of-thumb for a good porch: 1) Get the right location. 2) Make it a living space. 3) Make it large enough. 4) Don't cut through the middle. 4) Keep the porch open. 5) Define the edge.

He notes that the social life of a pocket neighborhood revolves around the front porch. Because everyone walks in the neighborhood, it's easy to strike up a conversation.

It seems to me, though, that most of the coolest porches I have seen in regular neighborhoods are back porches rather than front porches. I could be wrong, but I think front porches are stiff and formal places, whereas back porches are casual and comfortable.

What do you think? ... What makes a good porch?

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