What is Dinner Club?
9:27 AMDinner Club is a neighborhood meal open to everyone.
Out with the old: Spare Key used to eat together once a week, and our weekly meal was a potluck. Potlucks are great so far as they go, but in our case we realized our potluck system had several problems.First, potlucks are hard if you're doing them every week. Everyone feels like they have to bring something to eat, which basically excluded our busier friends who might like to stop by and be socialable but didn't have time to prepare a dish every week. So, we don't do potlucks anymore.
Dinner Club is a community meal in which the host house provides the meal and one other designated person brings a salad or something. Everyone else gets to show up and eat!
For the Tuesday dinner club, we rotate back and forth between two houses. For Sunday, we rotate back and forth between two different houses. There's a new facebook event for every dinner club every week.
Some Spare Keyers are moving to new houses / new cities (more on that coming soon), so we're still ironing out the host house rotation. But, if you're interested in stopping by for dinner, follow the Spare Key facebook page! There will be a facebook event for each upcoming Dinner Club, complete with time and location.
The facebook event is just to get a headcount. We try to invite people on the facebook event who we think might be interested, but you don't have to be invited to the facebook event to be invited in real life. If you're reading this, you're invited in real life.